
Sunday, June 3, 2012


Check into the Hotel de Glace and put all your worries on ice for the night. In fact, you’ll be on ice for the night; the beds, furniture, and just about everything else are made of ice at this unique hotel just 10 minutes from downtown Quebec. There are many different room styles available to suit guest’s individual tastes. The original Hôtel de Glace rooms are small, but cozy, while the Premium Deluxe theme suites are equipped with a fireplace, private spa, ice sculptures, and artistic lighting....

The V8 Car Hotels

The V8 Hotel, just in case you were wondering, has nothing to do with the vegetable juice: we’re talking about beefy, eight-cylinder engines. This is a hotel designed for all the car fanatics in Germany, as well as the world at large. If you fall into this category, perhaps you’ve had a car you love so much that you’ve been tempted to sleep in it. Well, here at the V8 Hotel in Stuttgart, Germany, you get to do just that, but with much more comfort than you’ll find in most performance vehicles. Altogether,...


Here’s one of the more unusual projects we’ve come across in a while – and trust us, we come across some pretty far-out ideas on a regular basis. What we have for you today is La Villa Hamster in Nantes, France. Even though this might sound like a pampered retreat for your pet hamster, we assure you it is quite the opposite: the guests at this themed hotel are all human. What makes this hotel experience so unusual is that the rooms are designed like hamster cages, complete with running wheel and...


While this underwater hotel in Dubai is still a long ways off from taking reservations, the concept art alone has been enough to create quite a buzz throughout the blogosphere. This is not too surprising as underwater projects never fail to fascinate the public; there’s something about the idea of living under the sea that is endlessly enchanting. We’ve already put together a list of amazing underwater restaurants, but we’ve yet to see an underwater hotel.  Although we’ve heard about many...

Dangerous Thunderstorms Lightning

Thunderstorms are an elusive phenomenon that rarely cooperate with a photographer. Not only that, but most storms won't come to you - you'll have to go to them.Here are some photos catching the beauty of lightning. ...

Dangerous Snake

Housing a snake that is quick, intelligent, and deadly, as well as over 12 feet long, can be challenging. When kept, they usually are given their own enclosures, one pair per enclosure. Commonly enclosures are at least 5 feet wide by 10 feet long and tall enough for a person to stand and maneuver during maintenance. At least one lockable hide box or switchbox is essential, but this species often refuses to be goaded into entering a box. Ventilation is a must, as is a large tub of water for humidity...

Burning London Fireplace Screens

Unusual firescreens, made of laser cut metal, look like iconic silhouettes of famous cities: London and Rome. Clever fire shields were inspired by the Great Fires of 1666 and 64 AD. ...

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