
Monday, December 30, 2013

Top 10 of 2013 Weird Google Street View Pictures

Google Street View is close to filming just about every major road in the world and, by now, people recognize the vehicle as it makes its pass.  Naturally, that means that there is more "staging" going on.  "Hey! The Google Street View Mobile is in town! Let's do something crazy!" is the new mantra.  Hence, the photo above which is a phony setup. Why else would two guys dressed in full scuba gear be running down the block? But, occasionally, GSV still catches some...

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Women Eye Makeup Art

We can't believe we can make a art with makeup.This women eye makeup art made by Tal Peleg.Professional Israeli makeup artist Tal Peleg, however has elevated ritual into an art form.Her eye makeup designs go far beyond a simple touch up each is a miniature work of art in its own right.Some look like they might be a bit uncomfortable to wear, but others might go well with certain fancy outfits.Peleg who went to school for makeup,uses her own creative vision as well as the model's own eye lashes...

Awesome Skeletan Art

The Awesome skeletan art series of photography taken by Luxembourg g-born photographer Patrick Gries successfully blurs the boundaries between art and scinece, offering an atypical to viewing the evolution of animal.This art is made like a evolution of humans and animal awesome art make it's look like real skeletan but it is not real it is an art made in black screen.Evolution is not only about photography! with the texts written by scientist and documentarian Dr.Jean-Baptiste de Panafieu,...

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